result count: 5

ST_110919_1Este montón de tierra parece haber sido pisoteado por algún animal. Donde se ha revuelto la tierra, descubrís que hay algo enterrado.This dirt mound looks like it's been pawed at by an animal. Where the dirt has been disturbed, you see that there is something buried there.
ST_110919_2No hay nada interesante en la tierra.There is nothing of interest in the dirt.
Sys110919_nameMontón de tierra abultadoProtruding Earth Mound
Sys110919_name_pluralMontones de tierra abultadosProtruding Earth Mound
Sys110919_szquestnpctextEs evidente que este montón de tierra es obra de animales salvajes. Es probable que hayan enterrado comida aquí.This mound was clearly dug by wild beasts... Maybe some animals have buried food around here.