result count: 12

EM_110970May I give you a hand?
EM_110970_0I am very grateful for your kind intentions, but you are still too weak to be helpful for me. I suggest you better come back, when your secondary class has reached level 15.
EM_110970_00I am an apprentice to the Great Wizard Vahtos. I am here looking for an illustrated monster compendium that my master penned in his free time. The monsters in the book were originally just imaginary, but have since come to life! My master's magic is so great that even his thoughts are imbued with powerful magical energy.\n\nOne day my master placed the book in the alchemy room where the power of these imaginary creatures mixed with the various potions laying about. The creatures then came forth into our reality and began causing trouble, so my master sent us to bring them down.\n\nEh... but I feel my strength is far too inferior to deal with such creatures. I don't know how I will be able to defeat them.
EM_110970_1I am very grateful for your kind intentions, but you are still too weak to be helpful for me. Please come back, when your secondary class has reached level 20.
EM_110970_2I am very grateful for your kind intentions, but you are still too weak to be helpful for me. Please come back, when your secondary class has reached level 25.
EM_110970_3I am very grateful for your kind intentions, but you are still too weak to be helpful for me. Please come back, when your secondary class has reached level 30.
EM_110970_4I am very grateful for your kind intentions, but you are still too weak to be helpful for me. Please come back, when your secondary class has reached level 35.
EM_110970_5You must first make some space in your backpack, otherwise I cannot give you this note...
Sys110970_nameJill Norley
Sys110970_name_pluralJill Norleys
Sys110970_szquestnpctextI am an apprentice to the Great Wizard Vahtos.\n\nMy master penned an illustrated monster compendium in his free time. The monsters in the book were originally just imaginary, but have since come to life! My master's magic is so great that even his thoughts are imbued with powerful magical energy.\n\nOne day my master placed the book in the alchemy room where the power of these imaginary creatures mixed with the various potions laying about. The creatures then came forth into our reality and began causing trouble, so my master sent us to bring them down.
Sys110970_titlenameVahtos' Apprentice