result count: 23

SAY_110989_0[$VAR1] has successfully brought back the ore!
SAY_110989_1When the crystal was brought near this area, it suddenly turned into ash and blew away. It seems that you have failed to deliver it in time.
SO_110989_1I want to give up.
SO_110989_4Let me think it over.
ST_110989_0Hi there. We recruit adventurers at 12pm and 8pm every day to send to the Necropolis of Mirrors in Aslan Valley to transport valuable magical crystal ores.\n\nIf you'd like to join, Varanas will reward you considerably for your efforts.\n\nThe crystal ores are very valuable, and we pay a good deal during the excavation, so we would suffer a heavy loss if the transport quest failed. Due to the risk, you have to give us 5 gold as a deposit. In the event that you lose the crystals during the trip, or are late with the delivery, your deposit will be kept.\n\nIf you succeed in the quest, Varanas will give you a reward equal to your deposit; anywhere from 1.2 to 2 times the amount of your deposit.
ST_110989_1Are you sure that you want to give up the quest?\n\nIf so, your deposit will be returned to you immediately. Please come and take it.\nRemember, you are more than welcome to join next time!
ST_110989_2_1According to your level, you will have to pay a deposit of 5000 gold to participate in this event. Do you want to do that?
ST_110989_2_2According to your level, you will have to pay a deposit of 6000 gold to participate in this event. Do you want to do that?
ST_110989_2_3According to your level, you will have to pay a deposit of 7000 gold to participate in this event. Do you want to do that?
ST_110989_2_4According to your level, you will have to pay a deposit of 8000 gold to participate in this event. Do you want to do that?
ST_110989_2_5According to your level, you will have to pay a deposit of 9000 gold to participate in this event. Do you want to do that?
ST_110989_2_6According to your level, you will have to pay a deposit of 10,000 gold to participate in this event. Do you want to do that?
ST_110989_2_7According to your level, you will have to pay a deposit of 12,000 gold to participate in this event. Do you want to do that?
ST_110989_3Okay, your deposit has been received. Here is your Letter of Appointment; please keep it safe, it will not be reissued if you lose it. Take the letter with you to the Necropolis of Mirrors at Aslan Valley. When you get there, Researcher Chayer will give you a piece of crystal. If you bring it here, the crystal that you carry will strengthen the magic power of the crystals in this city, resulting in your reward being placed immediately into your account. However, the crystal is in an unstable state and will quickly decay into dust at exactly 1pm and 9pm, so you need to make sure that you are back in time.\n\nIf you're killed along the way or miss the deadline, you will fail the quest and your deposit will be kept. If you decide to give up, return to me with the Letter of Appointment and I will return your deposit immediately.
ST_110989_3_1You don't have enough equipment slots
ST_110989_3_2You don't have enough money
ST_110989_4If you start now, you would not be able to bring the magic crystal ore back in time. Sorry, I can't give this Letter of Appointment to you.
Sys110989_szquestnpctextHello. [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] is currently recruiting brave adventurers to go to the [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors] in [ZONE_ASLAN|Aslan Valley] in order to bring back valuable magic crystals. If you are interested, just register with me.
Sys110989_titlenameCrystal Transport Registrar