result count: 13

SAY_110990_0Time has run out! Try again!
SAY_110990_1There is no crystal for you to transport now.
SAY_110990_2Be careful. This crystal will make you everyone's target. When you take it, pray!
SAY_110990_3[$VAR1] has accepted the [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] City Building Quest. Set out from the [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors]!
SAY_110990_4You don't have enough certificates
SAY_110990_5[$VAR1], your level isn't high enough.
SO_110990_1I want to transport ore.
ST_110990_0What? You came here to carry the crystal ore?\n\nNo! No! There are only 10 minutes left before it decays! I don't know how fast you are, but I cannot take this risk.
ST_110990_1Ah, these crystals! They are an accumulation of the magic at the Necropolis of Mirrors.\n\nThese crystals have plenty of energy, but they are also unstable. They become stable at 12am and 8pm every day; it is only at these times that the crystal can be mined and transported.\n\nHowever, this stable period only lasts for 1 hour, and then the crystals quickly become unstable again. If you attempt to stimulate the power of these crystals with magic at this point, they will turn into dust.\n\nI was instructed by the Great Mage to help with the mining, and am also responsible for passing the mined crystal to those with a Letter of Appointment from Varanas. I am to let them take the crystals back to Varanas so that the magic of the crystals in the town may be reinforced. If you are interested, go to the huge crystal in the center of Varanas at 12am and 8pm and talk with [110989|Aimwell]. She is in charge of these things.
Sys110990_szquestnpctextDamn it! Why hasn't [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] sent people yet? If these crystals are not taken right away, we will suffer dearly!\n\nHey... You wouldn't be the one sent to transport these crystals, would you?
Sys110990_titlenameCrystal Mining Instructor