result count: 12

SC_111164_FEMALE_01Doctor, is it my turn yet?
SC_111164_FEMALE_02If I get better, will I be sent back to the battlefield?
SC_111164_FEMALE_03Oh my, your wound looks inflamed...
SC_111164_FEMALE_04I can see my dead grandfather...
SC_111164_FEMALE_05What am I going to do? I miss home...
SC_111164_MALE_01Doctor, is it my turn yet?
SC_111164_MALE_02Dead... All dead... Just me left...
SC_111164_MALE_03Ow! That hurts!
SC_111164_MALE_04Oh! What a beautiful meadow! There's a beautiful girl on the other side of the bank waving to me!
SC_111164_MALE_05How long is this battle going to go on for?
Sys111164_nameInjured Soldier
Sys111164_name_pluralInjured Soldier