result count: 4

Sys111268_nameSilvermane Yarfas
Sys111268_name_pluralSilvermane Yarfas
Sys111268_szquestnpctextHello young adventurer! Are you here to help us fight against [100794|Blackhorn Hafiz]?\n\nHe used to be a warrior of great courage and virtue, but now, he has given in to the temptations of the dark powers! He has even desecrated his father's grave...his actions must be punished!\n\nWe don't have much time left. We're already running for our lives, the Cyclopes have beaten us so badly. And now the enemy general [100794|Blackhorn Hafiz] has returned to wreak havoc on us! How much time could we possibly have to rest?
Sys111268_titlenameWhitefur King