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SC_111307_1I want to swap 10 love rings for the title of Loner.
SC_111307_10The love ring that [110609|Romy] ordered has been sent, but there were some errors, so it ended up in public property. It is now with the official packages of the Silvershadow Adventurers' Guild. There is a rune on the package which can't be opened. Only [110167|Daris] knows the password to open the coded package.\n\nTherefore, the quickest way to get the ring is to take the package to [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] Class Hall and give it to [110167|Daris]. She can open it for you and then you can have the ring.\n\nHowever, you need to be careful. The magic ring that [110609|Romy] ordered is full of magic energy. Certain loveless people might try to steal it on the way. You'll have to protect it well before you can complete this quest.
SC_111307_11Accept Quest - Escort Coded Package
SC_111307_12Quest Complete - Escort Coded Package
SC_111307_13Quest Complete - I am the one who loves you most.
SC_111307_14So, this is the ring? It looks like we in the administration really made a mistake. Here, take it!
SC_111307_15Go to [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] Gate, find [110020|Derek], get the love ring and then help me by giving it to [110610|Jolie]. Okay?
SC_111307_16You don't have any space in your backpack. Make some room and come and see me again!
SC_111307_17You already have the Adventurers Association Coded Package on you. Please take it to the [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] Class Hall and give it to Daris.
SC_111307_18Please take this Adventurers Association Coded Package to the [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] Class Hall and give it to [110167|Daris] ASAP.
SC_111307_2I want to swap 100 love rings for the title "Lovers go die! Club Member"
SC_111307_21Oh, a ring? [110609|Romy] sent this for me?
SC_111307_22Actually I'm giving it to you!
SC_111307_23It's true. [110609|Romy] really loves me.
SC_111307_24This...I'm sorry, you're a good person. I can't accept your affections...
SC_111307_25[110609|Romy] said that he was going to give me a present today. It was this ring. I feel that he really loves me!
SC_111307_26Great. [110610|Jolie] isn't mad anymore. I can relax for a bit. Anyway, thank you for your help.
SC_111307_27What a beautiful ring! Wow! I'm so happy!\n\nI have to forgive [110609|Romy]; he gave me something so beautiful!
SC_111307_28You can again receive the Double Seven "I am the one that loves you the most" Quest.
SC_111307_29You don't need to reset the Double Seven "I am the one that loves you the most" quest.
SC_111307_3I want to trade 10 Good Guy Cards for the "Good Person" title.
SC_111307_31Good Guy Card
SC_111307_32Love Ring
SC_111307_4I want to trade 100 Good Guy Cards for the "Goody-goody" title.
SC_111307_6[110610|Jolie], I'm sorry...I...I...I'm really sorry. Sorry. I love you. I really do!\n\nI'll send you something to show you how I feel!
SC_111307_7Hey! Tell me one thing. Who is the one you love?\n\nYou have to tell me if you don't want me to ignore you from now on! Who is it?
SC_111307_8Accepted Quest - I'm the one that really loves you.
SC_111307_9I used to be confused about how I felt so I didn't treat [110610|Jolie] properly. I really hurt her. Finally I understood what she meant to me. I want to put things right between us so I ordered a love ring and sent it to her. The ring should be finished now. Could you please go to [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] Gate, find [110020|Derek], get the ring and then help me by giving it to her?
Sys111307_nameLovers go die! Club Leader
Sys111307_name_pluralLovers go die! Club Leader

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