result count: 21
keystring | es | eneu |
SC_111368_0 | Parece que tiene que cumplirse alguna condición para que esta puerta se abra. | It looks like a certain condition must be fulfilled in order for this door to be opened. |
SC_111368_1 | Si queréis más tesoros, salid a buscarlos. | If you'd like more treasure, go out into the world and find it! |
SC_111368_10 | [111368|Fantasma del rey Sathkur] grita: "Ahora es vuestro turno. ¡Que comience el juego!". | [111368|King Sathkur's Phantom] cries: "Now it's your turn! Let the games begin!" |
SC_111368_11 | [111368|Fantasma del rey Sathkur] grita: "¡Enhorabuena! El tesoro está a punto de aparecer, golpeadlo para obtener vuestra recompensa". | [111368|King Sathkur's Phantom] cries: "Congratulations! The treasure is about to appear - strike at it to gain your reward!" |
SC_111368_12 | [111368|Fantasma del rey Sathkur] grita: "Esta es la última oportunidad y este el último tesoro. Venid aquí todos y disfrutemos de esta última batalla." | [111368|King Sathkur's Phantom] cries: "This is the last chance! This is the last treasure! Come one, come all, and let us enjoy this last battle!" |
SC_111368_13 | [111368|Fantasma del rey Sathkur] grita: "Descansad un poco, el juego aún no ha terminado". | [111368|King Sathkur's Phantom] cries: "Rest a bit! Our games have yet to finish!" |
SC_111368_14 | [111368|Fantasma del rey Sathkur] grita: "El juego ha terminado. Coged vuestros tesoros y volved al lugar del que habéis venido." | [111368|King Sathkur's Phantom] cries: "The games are over. Go! Take your treasures and go back from where you came!" |
SC_111368_15 | [111368|Fantasma del rey Sathkur] grita: "Las reglas del juego estipulan que quien responda de forma incorrecta o demasiado despacio ha de ser castigado". | [111368|King Sathkur's Phantom] cries: "The rules of the game ordain that anyone who answers incorrectly or too slowly must be punished!" |
SC_111368_16 | La llave de plata emite un zumbido fuerte y la puerta desaparece como si nunca hubiese existido. | The silver key gives off a resonating hum, and the door disappears as if it never existed. |
SC_111368_17 | Cuando os acercáis, el cofre del tesoro desaparece y aparece ante vos la sombra de un Pielblanca. | When you get close, the treasure chest suddenly disappears, and the shade of a Whitefur appears before you. |
SC_111368_18 | [111368|Fantasma del rey Sathkur] grita: "¿He olvidado decir que hay un tiempo límite? Culpa mía, pero ya deberíais saberlo". | [111368|King Sathkur's Phantom] cries: "Did I forget to mention that there's a time limit? My mistake, but you should have already known about it." |
SC_111368_2 | Bienvenidos a mi cripta del tesoro, ladrones. Soy vuestro rey, Sathkur. Como habéis encontrado mi llave, os dejaré tomar mi tesoro... pero primero debéis superar mi prueba. | Welcome to my treasure vault, thieves. I am your king, Sathkur. Since you have found my key, I will allow you to have my treasure... but you must first pass my test! |
SC_111368_3 | ¿Estáis preparados para continuar con el desafío? | Are you ready to continue with the challenge? |
SC_111368_4 | Este es el desafío final. Lo espero con ansia... | This is the final challenge. I am looking forward to this one.... |
SC_111368_5 | ¡Comenzad! | Begin! |
SC_111368_6 | Bienvenidos a mi cripta del tesoro, ladrones. Sin embargo, tenéis que conseguir la llave de oro para acceder a mi tesoro. | Welcome to my treasure vault, thieves. However, you must first have my golden key in order to gain the right to my treasure! |
SC_111368_7 | [111368|Fantasma del rey Sathkur] grita: "Si no superáis esta prueba, sólo la muerte os sacará de aquí". | [111368|King Sathkur's Phantom] cries: "Except passing the test, only death will get you out of this place!" |
SC_111368_8 | [111368|Fantasma del rey Sathkur] grita: "Las llamas ardientes son la última cerradura y la última llave". | [111368|King Sathkur's Phantom] cries: "The burning flames are the final lock, as well as the final key!" |
SC_111368_9 | [111368|Fantasma del rey Sathkur] grita: "Observad esas llamas cuidadosamente". | [111368|King Sathkur's Phantom] cries: "Watch those flames carefully!" |
Sys111368_name | Fantasma del rey Sathkur | King Sathkur's Phantom |
Sys111368_name_plural | Fantasmas del rey Sathkur | King Sathkur's Phantom |