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SC_111454_17Oh, I am sorry, I didn't notice that you do not have a secondary class!\n\nI will only teach those who have a secondary class.
SC_111454_18_15Congratulations! You have reached level 15 in both your primary and secondary classes. You can now learn elite skills from the Elite Skills Masters in Varanas and other places.
SC_111454_18_20Congratulations! You have reached level 20 in both your primary and secondary classes. You can now learn elite skills from the Elite Skills Masters in Varanas and other places.
SC_111454_18_25Congratulations! You have reached level 25 in both your primary and secondary classes. You can now learn elite skills from the Elite Skills Masters in Varanas and other places.
SC_111454_18_30Congratulations! You have reached level 30 in both your primary and secondary classes. You can now learn elite skills from the Elite Skills Masters in Varanas and other places.
SC_111454_18_35Congratulations! You have reached level 35 in both your primary and secondary classes. You can now learn elite skills from the Elite Skills Masters in Varanas and other places.
SC_111454_18_40Congratulations! You have reached level 40 in both your primary and secondary classes. You can now learn elite skills from the Elite Skills Masters in Varanas and other places.
SC_111454_18_45Congratulations! You have reached level 45 in both your primary and secondary classes. You can now learn elite skills from the Elite Skills Masters in Varanas and other places.
SC_111454_18_50Congratulations! You have reached level 50 in both your primary and secondary classes. You can now learn elite skills from the Elite Skills Masters in Varanas and other places.
SC_111454_19You must reach level 15 on both your primary and secondary classes to learn these skills.\n\nCome back when you are ready!
SC_111454_2I still have a question...
SC_111454_20Sorry, you do not have enough money.
SC_111454_21There's no reason to have more than one copy of a certificate.
SC_111454_22If you want to learn this skill, first you'll have to work hard to raise your primary and secondary class levels.
SC_111454_23Sorry, you do not have enough materials.
SC_111454_24Please give me this certificate!
SC_111454_25Oh! Do I look like someone who knows such things? You're such a sweet-talker. \n\nIt's a pity, there's only a few people who know these secrets... I know of one- none other than [113021|Sigg Fletcher] of the [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] Class Hall!\n\nIf you like, you can go the [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] Class Hall and have a chat with him.
SC_111454_26But you didn't bring any certificate...... \n\nAhh, I see! Go obtain more Key Objectives, and then I'll teach you more about these skills. \n\n<CS>Complete the Public Encounter Quest to obtain a [209231|Old Bag]. Once all of the conditions are met, a certificate will appear in your bag. Bring the certificate back here to learn new elite skills. </CS>
SC_111454_27From here on out, it will be very difficult to increase your level. To get stronger, you must raise your secondary class to the same level. \n\nYou can only study this if you have mastered two classes. What are you waiting for? Get training! With any luck, it won't take too long!
SC_111454_3I want to learn a new skill.
SC_111454_4_15You just need to contribute the materials below to the [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] City building project and then the profession master will give you a [202949|Level 15 Skill Training Certificate].\n\n\nWe need 3 of the following and 8,000 gold pieces for the building fund:\n\n\n[201761|Ash Lumber]\n[201723|Zinc Nugget]\n[201799|Mountain Demon Grass Sap]\n\n\nThank you.
SC_111454_4_20You just need to contribute the materials below to the [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] City building project and then the profession master will give you a [202950|Level 20 Skill Training Certificate]. \n\n\nWe need 3 of the following and 15,000 gold pieces for the building fund:\n\n[201762|Willow Lumber]\n[201724|Tin Nugget]\n[201800|Beetroot Sap]\n\nThank you.
SC_111454_4_25You just need to contribute the materials below to the [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] building project and then I will give you a [202951|Level 25 Skill Training Certificate]:\n\nSecondary Class Knights or Priests need - [202939|Life Crystal]\nSecondary Class Wardens or Druids need - [202939|Life Crystal]\nSecondary Class Scouts or Rogues needs - [202940|Illusion Crystal]\nSecondary Class Mages or Warriors need - [202941|Tough Crystal]\n\nYou can obtain these items from the monsters in the [ZONE_THE FORLORN MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey]. I need 15 of them as well as 20,000 gold. Thank you.
SC_111454_4_30You just need to contribute the materials below to the [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] City building project and then the profession master will give you a [202957|Level 30 Skill Training Certificate]. \n\nWe need 3 of the following and 28,000 gold pieces for the building fund:\n\n[201764|Oak Lumber]\n[201726|Copper Nugget]\n[201802|Moxa Sap]\n\nThank you.
SC_111454_4_35You just need to contribute the materials below to the [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] building project and then I will give you a [202958|Level 35 Skill Training Certificate]:\n\nSecondary Class Knights or Priests need - [202942|Ancient Spirit Essence]\nSecondary Class Wardens or Druids need - [202942|Ancient Spirit Essence]\nSecondary Class Scouts or Rogues need - [202943|Study Essence]\nSecondary Class Mages or Warriors need - [202944|Mirror Essence]\n\nYou can obtain these items from the monsters in the [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors]. I need 15 of them as well as 35,000 gold. Thank you.
SC_111454_4_40You just need to contribute the materials below to the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold] building project and then the profession master will give you a [202964|Level 40 Skill Training Certificate] to thank you.\n\nWe need 10 of the following and 42,000 gold pieces for the building fund:\n\n[202945|Minotaur's Soul]\n[202946|Sound of Wind]\n\n\nThank you.
SC_111454_4_45You just need to contribute 20 [<S>202947|Harpy Holy Spirits] and 58,000 gold to the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold] Building Project and the profession master will give you a [202965|Level 45 Skill Training Certificate]. Thank you.
SC_111454_4_50You just need to contribute 20 [<S>202948|Myrmex Nest Crystals] and 100,000 gold to the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold] Building Project and the profession master will give you a [202966|Level 50 Skill Training Certificate]. Thank you.
SC_111454_5This is your skill study certificate. Come and find me when you want to study something and I'll happily teach you.
SC_111454_6Your skill level is not high enough to learn new skills.

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