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SC_111454_7I don't have anything else to teach you in this profession. I believe that in the future you will be able to create much more amazing things!
SC_111454_8[111454|Listi Pursdon] in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas'] Class Hall: Level 15 and 20\n\n[111614|Fay Akjad] on the way to the [ZONE_THE FORLORN MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey]: Level 25\n\n[111615|Menqid Beman] in [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall]: Level 30\n\n[111616|Sisileena Chab] in the [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors]: Level 35\n\n[111617|Belin Pursdon] in the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold]: Level 40 and 45\n\n[113021|Sigg Fletcher] in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas'] Class Hall: Level 50
SC_111454_9Congratulations! You have learned a new skill!
Sys111454_nameListi Pursdon
Sys111454_name_pluralListi Pursdon
Sys111454_szquestnpctextFor the glory of Varanas!\n\nWhen your primary and secondary classes have reached a certain level, come to me with skill study certificates. I can teach you new skills to reward those adventurers who kindly help the building of Varanas...\n\nWhen your primary and secondary class is at level 15, then every 5 levels you can learn a new skill.
Sys111454_titlenameElite Skills Master

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