result count: 10

SC_111460_1What are the strange creatures around here?
SC_111460_2We call them the Whitefurs. Their Whitefur caravan was originally based south of here, living a life of trade, but the Cyclopes to the south suddenly attacked their city one day. Thus they were forced to flee. I've heard that before they could escape they took heavy losses. You could take advantage of this opportunity to help them do some quests. This could help your own growth as an adventurer as well.
SC_111460_3Why would mercenaries from the Order of Dark Glory be here?
SC_111460_4When the Whitefurs were attacked by the Cyclopes, they begged the Order of Dark Glory to save them.\n\nThe Order of Dark Glory mercenaries you see here are only gathering needed supplies for the front-line troops. The real combat soldiers are camped to the south of here. The officer in charge there seems to be quite annoying, so you may have to show some patience if you accept any of his tasks.
SC_111460_5I still have some questions....
SC_111460_6No problem, I have a lot of time on my hands.\n\nWhat else would you like to know?
Sys111460_nameDiboq Lien
Sys111460_name_pluralDiboq Lien
Sys111460_szquestnpctextHey! You look like an adventurer from [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas]. Are you looking for work?\n\nThere's so many things you can do here! The Order of Dark Glory has invested a lot of manpower here, but actually it's too much! They don't have enough time to sort out all the things the soldiers need.\n\nSo I think that you should be able to find a job easily. If you have any questions, you can come and ask me. I'll tell you what I know.
Sys111460_titlenameSilvershadow Adventurers' Guild