result count: 4

Sys111481_nameGarde d'AshlarAshlar Guard
Sys111481_name_pluralGarde d'AshlarAshlar Guard
Sys111481_szquestnpctextVous êtes au [ZONE_ASHLAR ENCAMPMENT|Camp d'Ashlar]. C'est le camp le plus proche de [ZONE_DARMAS|Dogamor], chargé de ravitailler [ZONE_LAGO|Lyk] à la [ZONE_DRAGONFANG RIDGE|Crête de Mordrakan]This is [ZONE_ASHLAR ENCAMPMENT|Ashlar Camp]. It is the closest camp to [ZONE_DARMAS|Dogamor]. The purpose of this camp is to provide supplies for [ZONE_LAGO|Lyk] in [ZONE_DRAGONFANG RIDGE|Dragonfang Ridge]
Sys111481_titlenameOrdre de la Gloire FunesteOrder of Dark Glory