result count: 4

Sys111485_nameGarde d'AshlarAshlar Guard
Sys111485_name_pluralGarde d'AshlarAshlar Guard
Sys111485_szquestnpctextNous sommes au [ZONE_ASHLAR ENCAMPMENT|Camp d'Ashlar]. Grâce à la protection des Commandos d'Ashlar, les cyclopes ne peuvent rien !\n\nC'est notre conviction. C'est notre force. Vous êtes un aventurier, alors ne prenez pas de grands airs !This is [ZONE_ASHLAR ENCAMPMENT|Ashlar Camp]. With the Ashlar Commandos protecting this place, the Cyclopes don't stand a chance!\n\nThis is our conviction. This is our strength. You're an adventurer. You better not look down on us!
Sys111485_titlenameCommando d'AshlarAshlar Commando