result count: 7

SC_111491_DIALOG1I want to trade 10 handfuls of Suspicious-looking Powder for a transformation potion.
SC_111491_DIALOG2Haha! After the transformation, you will experience some unexpected side effects!
SC_111491_DIALOG3Your backpack is full, please come back when you have space.
SC_111491_DIALOG4You do not have enough Suspicious-looking Powder for that exchange.
Sys111491_nameSuspicious-looking Ghost
Sys111491_name_pluralSuspicious-looking Ghosts
Sys111491_szquestnpctextDo you want to try something... different?!\n\nBring 10 portions of [203165|Suspicious-looking Powder] to me and I will give you a transformation potion.\n(Don't pick on me! I'm only in disguise. My horrid teacher, made me dress up so he could study [203165|Suspicious-looking Powder].)