result count: 4

Sys111513_nameMile FolanMile Folan
Sys111513_name_pluralMile FolanMile Folan
Sys111513_szquestnpctextPoszukiwacz przygód!\n\nJeśli masz chwilę, to czy możesz pomóc temu dużemu facetowi za mną, [111053|Faresowi Rękawiczce]? Czeka na List z [ZONE_REIFORT POINT|Obozu Reifort].An adventurer!\n\nIf you have time, then maybe you could help the great [111053|Fares Mitten] behind me? He is waiting for a letter from [ZONE_REIFORT POINT|Reifort Camp].
Sys111513_titlenameCzarny KodeksBlack Codex