result count: 20

SC_111577_YU_00That is a cool costume! I am the sign-in manager for the Monster Parade. Do you need assistance?
SC_111577_YU_01I want to sign in!
SC_111577_YU_02Done! I have stamped your map to show that you have been here! \n\nWe also prepared a special gift draw! Test your luck and see what you will get! Cool costumes, supplies, ancient treasure keys... who knows?!
SC_111577_YU_03I choose package 1
SC_111577_YU_04I choose package 2
SC_111577_YU_05I choose package 3
SC_111577_YU_06Hmm... you have already signed in!
SC_111577_YU_07Congratulations! You have obtained the Cool Pumpkin Costume Package! Some of them contain the special costume that John, Wendy and all of us parade managers are wearing!
SC_111577_YU_08Congratulations! You have obtained the Mysterious Pumpkin Package! Some of them contain Transformation Potions and an old key to activate the Cool Pumpkin Costume Package. Or maybe something completely different! There's lots of surprises.
SC_111577_YU_09Congratulations! You have obtained the Pumpkin Supplies Package! You might find some very helpful potions inside.
SC_111577_YU_10Thank you everyone for making this parade a success! Remember to redeem your gifts with the parade organizers!
SC_111577_YU_11Story of the Monster Parade
SC_111577_YU_12Once a long time ago, a group of young people wanted to test their bravery and started holding this parade to do so. As the years passed, the parade got more and more popular, and the costumes became weirder and weirder. Once, when the parade went to the [ZONE_THE FORLORN MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey], a mage decided it might be fun to summon some smaller ghosts and Pumpkin Demons. They were only supposed to scare people, but things got out of control. Everyone blamed the mage and he went into hiding.\n\nIn later parades, smaller ghosts and Pumpkin Demons continued to play tricks. Also, a boy and a girl wearing pumpkin masks seem to control the ghosts and demons to play tricks on the parade goers. Over the years, these pranks have become accepted as part of the tradition, and now they come out every year as an essential part of the parade.
SC_111577_YU_13Hmm? Sorry where is your [203236|Monster Parade Map]?!
SC_111577_YU_14You already came by! Come back tomorrow!
SC_111577_YU_15For those that want to transform into a monster, please go to the central plaza of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] and find a [111491|Suspicious-looking Ghost]!
SC_111577_YU_16How can I transform myself?
SC_111577_YU_17Please take me there
Sys111577_nameMain Fortress Gate
Sys111577_name_pluralMain Fortress Gate