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SC_111584_YU_00Wow... You are really good! All the Jingle Brothers are rescued! Such a miracle! You're amazing!
SC_111584_YU_01Accept Praise
SC_111584_YU_02Amazing! All the Jingle Brothers are rescued! Such a miracle! Can you really fly?
SC_111584_YU_03Thank you! The Jingle Brothers say they will start on a diet, so they won't get stuck next year.
SC_111584_YU_04(Sobbing)... Can you help? Since it's been an especially cold winter this year, the Jingle Brothers have had to wear extra thick coats. While trying to get down a chimney to deliver gifts, they got stuck. \n\nThis is no laughing matter. Can you help? Please?
SC_111584_YU_05Leave it to me!
SC_111584_YU_06Oh! You've got the boar oil! But I don't think that is enough...
SC_111584_YU_07Oh! You've got the boar oil! Great! Now hurry and get the Jingle Brothers down...
SC_111584_YU_08Volunteer to Help
SC_111584_YU_09Hand Over Boar Oil
SC_111584_YU_10Thank You! If the Jingle Brothers get stuck again tomorrow, I hope you can help again!
SC_111584_YU_11[$VAR1] has saved all the Jingle Brothers. He is our hero!
SC_111584_YU_12[$VAR1] has saved all the Jingle Brothers. He is our hero!
SC_111584_YU_13I think we will need some kind of oil to help the Jingle Brothers slide down the chimney. But where to find oil?! Oil... oil... Oh, I know: Boar Oil! Can you get some [203466|Slippery Boar Oil] from the [<S>100061|boars]? I think all the boars in the Howling Mountains, Silverspring and Aslan Valley should have some. Just 10 units! 10 is all we need!
SC_111584_YU_14_1Thank you so much! Getting onto the roof is no problem for me at all, but trying to get them out is difficult. Jingle Brothers usually ride their deer over the houses and jump down onto the rooftops to deliver gifts. If you want to get there, you can try riding a mount and jumping onto the roofs too.
SC_111584_YU_14_2\n\nJingle Brothers missing in [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar]:
SC_111584_YU_14_3\nJingle Brothers missing in [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall]:
SC_111584_YU_14_4\nJingle Brothers missing in [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post]: \n
SC_111584_YU_14_5\nThank you for your help! If you can rescue them all, I am sure the reward will be grand!
SC_111584_YU_15Thank you for your help. This should be enough! I will tell all the Jingle Brothers about you!
SC_111584_YU_16Are you a Jingle Brother?
SC_111584_YU_17No, no, no. You've got the wrong person. I'm just up here enjoying the view and the warmth of this chimney.
SC_111584_YU_18Oh... Then where are the Jingle Brothers that [111584|Donichuka] wants me to rescue...?
SC_111584_YU_19Ah! Wait... Wait!! ... Alright, it's me! Over here! Please help me!!
SC_111584_YU_20But you just said...
SC_111584_YU_21Yes... Good! I can just about manage to slide out now!
SC_111584_YU_22Your bag looks awfully full yet you still managed to get up here...
SC_111584_YU_23If you have some spare time, would you mind finding [111584|Donichuka] in the central plaza of Varanas and asking him what to do?
SC_111584_YU_24Hahaha... It's you... I thought I could get through this time with a little less clothing, but I'm stuck again. I won't bother you again; I should be able to find a way out myself. Hahaha!
SC_111584_YU_25I'll be a good master, just give me a chance!

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