result count: 16

SC_111770_0Tatasha, I wish to draw my fortune.
SC_111770_1When you feel danger all around, a great hand from behind will cover your mouth making you unable to speak.
SC_111770_10You will fall asleep and be awakened by a kiss - a kiss from a monster.
SC_111770_11All right! I forgive you.
SC_111770_2Claws will scratch deep cuts into your flesh and your body bathe in its own blood.
SC_111770_3With no reason apparent you will feel extreme dizziness causing you to lose direction and control.
SC_111770_4A pair of eyes will stare at you from the dark so that feelings of pressure and fear well up in you.
SC_111770_5Beware of the living ones. Any action may can leave you at your wit's end lost in the middle of chaos.
SC_111770_6A body out of control and a body with no movement are just as bad as the other.
SC_111770_7Dancing with an ice witch will cause your body to stiffen from the cold.
SC_111770_8The bad fate of eating beef with a minotaur will make this meal a cursed one.
SC_111770_9A certain person's love for you will enter your veins just like a poison.
Sys111770_szquestnpctextOh no... I got lost from my team again...\n\nHow can this have happened?! I had placed bread crumbs along the way so I could find my way back... but now they're all gone...\n\nI must investigate this new mystery - the disappearing breadcrumbs!
Sys111770_titlenameCareless Researcher