result count: 8

SC_112043_1Show the scroll to [112043|Loreabar]
SC_112043_2This scroll... did you find it in the room that [101433|Raichika the Destroyer] is occupying?\n\nHmm... Let me take a look...\n\nAlthough the script is ancient, much of it is similar to the scripts from the Ancient Kingdoms. It seems the script used by the ancient Minotaurs is a successor of the ancient scripts...
SC_112043_3Ask about the scroll's contents
SC_112043_4I'm happy to share my findings with you, but right now I can only give you a general overview.\n\nThe scroll contains prayers used to worship royalty. First it thanks the Minotaur royalty for protecting their people. It also thanks the sacrum for controlling the snow and bestowing them with unending green land and a vast sky... Hmm... It seems [110875|Loca Roco's] reasoning was solid ... but this so-called sacrum can actually control the climate! Unbelievable...\n\nThe next part looks like a poem of admiration that tells of what happened after their creator died. The kings valiantly fought their enemies and hid the master's sacrum ... It looks like this master was regarded as their creator... Seems the Eternal Soul of [ZONE_SNOWHORN|Snowhorn] is from a separate legend... Strange. \n\nFinally they are wishing for the spirit of their royalty to bestow the clan people with courage so they can protect the master's sacrum.
Sys112043_szquestnpctextThe characters of these ancient texts are similar to those of the Ancient Kingdoms... but they are also very different from the characters used currently by the Minotaurs.\n\nHm ... there surely is some reason for that difference.
Sys112043_titlenameAilic's Community