result count: 6

SC_112192(La propietaria parece muy furiosa porque le han matadoa a su gallina.)(The owner looks very angry that her chick was killed!)
SC_112192_1¿Habéis sido vos? ¿Habéis matado vos a mi gallina? (Os observa fijamente.)\n\n¡Ah! ¡Si averiguo quién lo hizo, lo moleré a palos!Was it you? Did you kill my chick? (The owner glares at you.)\n\nArgh! If I find out who did this, I will beat them within an inch of their life!
Sys112192_szquestnpctextCon esta taberna gano mucho dinero, y eso está bien, pero sería perfecto si todos pudiesen disfrutar de sus bebidas sin peleas.Though I am making good money with this bar, what is wonderful, but if everybody could enjoy their drinks without any quarrels, it would be perfect!