result count: 7

SC_112238_0Approchez, approchez. J'ai vu et entendu ce qui s'était passé. Je peux tout vous raconter.I saw and heard everything that just happened. Young one, please come here for a moment. I have a few things to tell you.
SC_112238_1Écoutez les explications de [112238|Kolodo].Listen to [112238|Kolodo's] explanation.
SC_112238_2Vous savez probablement que la terrible pirate [101535|Blake Neige] vivait autrefois à [ZONE_RAVENFELL|Korbasseterre], non ?\n\nMalgré sa légendaire férocité, elle fut tuée par la personne en qui elle avait le plus confiance. Cette lettre tâchée de sang raconte en détail ce meurtre et cette trahison.\n\nMais le plus intéressant, c'est que la lettre décrit également l'endroit où est caché l'incroyable trésor de [101535|Blake Neige]. Ce trésor contient notamment l'anneau du grand roi Laor, volé sur son cadavre par la Reine Pirate. Nul doute que notre seigneur ferait preuve d'une très grande générosité envers la personne qui lui ramènerait l'anneau de son père.You probably know that, here at [ZONE_RAVENFELL|Ravenfell], there used to be a fierce woman pirate - [101535|Snow Blake], right?\n\nI won't say much about just how fierce she was. You will probably hear enough of that from various other sources. However, even though she was so fierce, she was eventually killed by the one whom she trusted the most, and this blood-stained letter in a bottle is a record of everything concerning that betrayal and murder.\n\nBut none of this is relevant. What's important is that this letter also details the whereabouts of [101535|Snowblake's] huge treasure. The old Lord's father, the great Laor, was killed by that female pirate. She also stole a ring from him that was a family heirloom. For many years now, the old Lord has been searching for this ring. I think that if someone could recover it, the old Lord would be pleased indeed.
Sys112238_szquestnpctextBonjour, aventurier. Je suis [112238|Kolodo], fermier en chef du [ZONE_FARCREST ESTATE|Manoir de Calamus]. Mon travail consiste à prendre soin des animaux et des plantes du maître. Heureux de faire votre connaissance.Hello Adventurer, I'm [112238|Kolodo]. I'm [ZONE_FARCREST ESTATE|Calamus Manor's] farm supervisor. I'm in charge of helping the Lord take care of all his animals and crops. I'm very pleased to meet you.
Sys112238_titlenameFermier en chefFarm Supervisor