result count: 6

SC_112241_1Listen to [112241|Kain's] story.
SC_112241_2The marks on this record are a code used by the Blake family - only people in the Blake family know how to read it. I was pretty close to the Blakes in the past, so I also know how to read it a bit...\n\n([112241|Kain] starts reading some of the text on the parchment, and suddenly, he appears very sad.)\n\nOh... This record doesn't say anything about a betrayal, and it definitely isn't a map to buried treasure. It's just something written from a loyal servant to his master. He has finished everything asked of him by his master... This also implies that this servant...\n\n([112241|Kain] is so sad that he cannot speak. After a moment, he recovers.)
Sys112241_szquestnpctext(Kain sings obnoxiously)\n"Drink, drink, friends on the seas\nIf you're worried about getting drunk, then go drink seawater"\n"Drink, drink, friends on the seas\nIf you're worried about drink-money, then go find the Black Mary"
Sys112241_titlenameOld Drunk