result count: 9

SC_112331_0Ok! Let's get to work! (Dwarf Speech)
SC_112331_1The fellow in this piece of ice really can move? (Dwarf Speech)
SC_112331_2Newcomer, don't ask so many questions. Just do your task as you're asked for. (Dwarf Speech)
SC_112331_3Damn! Go into hiding quickly! (Dwarf Speech)
SC_112331_4What? What? What has happened? (Dwarf Speech)
SC_112331_5Waaaaaah! (Dwarf Speech)
SC_112331_6This is really stupid! The warning was there. If you still don't go into hiding behind the isolation barrier, you deserve to die! (Dwarf Speech)
SC_112331_7Ai ... We have to find a new apprentice again. (Dwarf Speech)
SC_112331_8Go on! If we are short one person, how can I know whether there will be enough power to ... (Dwarf Speech)