result count: 3

Sys112545_nameDina AnashinDina Anashin
Sys112545_name_pluralDina AnashinsDina Anashins
Sys112545_szquestnpctextLa chica que estáis viendo se llama [112544|Yana Anashin]. Es mi pobre hermana pequeña.\n\nQuizás os parezca increíble, pero aunque su cuerpo está aquí, su alma se halla en lo alto del [ZONE_WORDWIND PEAK|Acantilado del Viento Hablador], porque [112541|Niko Passerat] quiere que espere ahí.The girl you see now is named [112544|Yana Anashin]. She is my poor little sister.\n\nMaybe you won't believe this, but even though her body is here, her spirit actually remains at the top of the [ZONE_WORDWIND PEAK|Speaking Wind Cliff] because [112541|Niko Passerat] wants her to wait there.