result count: 6

SC_112866_0Aidez-le à distribuer d'autres choses sur la route.Help him deliver other things along the way.
SC_112866_1De nombreuses choses dans ce sac à mes étudiants je dois donner. Humpf Humpf. Ces choses en route vous devrez donc distribuer. Ce morceau de papier, ton guide sera.There are still some things in the bag that to give to the students, I want to. Tell you the locations of the students, the paper in there will. To the students along the way help me deliver these things!
Sys112866_nameMachi YodaMachi Yoda
Sys112866_name_pluralMachi YodaMachi Yodas
Sys112866_szquestnpctextLes mouvements agiles du corps, la clé des techniques de combat sont. Eux seuls, pleinement votre force physique expriment. … Hummmm. Le pouvoir de la nature habilement mêler vous devez …The key to using battle skills lies in agile movement of your body to fully bring out your physical power. ... Hmmmmmm. With skillfully blending in the use of power of nature.
Sys112866_titlenameMaître des techniques de combatBattle Skills Instruction Master