result count: 11

SKILLCRAFT_NPC_SPEAK_112946I'm [112946|Yizzi - Artificer], a member of the Artificers' Guild. If you have already attained a high proficiency in various professional production techniques, I can instruct you in recipes that are especially difficult for ordinary men.
SKILLCRAFT_NPC112946_OPTION01I have already mastered [SYS_SKILLNAME_BLACKSMITH|Blacksmithing] skills.
SKILLCRAFT_NPC112946_OPTION02I have already mastered [SYS_SKILLNAME_CARPENTER|Carpentry] skills.
SKILLCRAFT_NPC112946_OPTION03I have already mastered [SYS_SKILLNAME_MAKEARMOR|Armorcrafting] skills.
SKILLCRAFT_NPC112946_OPTION04I have already mastered [SYS_SKILLNAME_TAILOR|Tailoring] skills.
SKILLCRAFT_NPC112946_OPTION05I have already mastered [SYS_SKILLNAME_ALCHEMY|Alchemy] skills.
SKILLCRAFT_NPC112946_OPTION2012I've obtained the [$VAR1] master qualification. Now show me the good stuff.
Sys112946_nameYizzi - Artificer
Sys112946_name_pluralYizzi - Artificer
Sys112946_szquestnpctextI'm [112946|Yizzi - Artificer], a member of the Artificers' Guild. If you have already attained a high proficiency in various professional production techniques, I can instruct you in recipes that are especially difficult for ordinary men.
Sys112946_titlenameArtificers' Guild