result count: 12

SC_113008Heard about that strange creature?
SC_113008_1Right. There's a strange creature in the meadow that's very hard to find. He will glare at you if you trample past. He likes to play hide-and-seek with passers-by... But he's very quick, so it's not very fair.\n\nThe odd thing is, not everybody who passes through meets him, but those who do are blown up...\n\nHe emits a weird noise as he chases players. Are you here to sort him out?
SC_113008_2That's right. Those people at the Eye of Wisdom asked me to take a look around.
SC_113008_3I'll see if I can draw him out using that sound.
SC_113008_4Wargapilla! Wargapilla!
SC_113008_5Heh, heh. That's it. I'm over here. Wanna play Hide and Seek? You hide and I seek. Go on! Hide!
SC_113008_6You got me... ok! This time you win.
SC_113008_7Heh, heh. I got you! You're dead! Good fun, huh?
SC_113008_8You're so slow! I'm becoming angry! No running!
Sys113008_nameCharly Morph
Sys113008_name_pluralCharly Morphs
Sys113008_szquestnpctextThe guy died right in front of me... He protected me...\n\nBut I was powerless... to save he was killed by the explosion before my eyes...