result count: 10

SC_113013_0Purchase [204870|Rune Energy Extractor]
SC_113013_1I've heard that if you hold two [<S>204870|Rune Energy Extractors] at the same time something bad will happen... and it looks like you already have one...\n\nI love to turn a buck, but not if people are going to get hurt.
SC_113013_2You heard it right! No mistake! I sell [<S>204870|Rune Energy Extractors] here! Moreover, Phirius Workshops' patented techniques have increased its energy extracting efficiency!\n\nTo thank customers for their ongoing support, Phirius Workshops is offering this item for as little as [$VAR1] [<s>203038].\n\nHow about it? You interested?
SC_113013_3Confirm Purchase
SC_113013_4You heard it right! No mistake! I sell [<S>204870|Rune Energy Extractors] here! Moreover, Phirius Workshops' patented techniques have increased its energy extracting efficiency!\n\nTo thank customers for their ongoing support, Phirius Workshops is offering this item for as little as [$VAR1] [<s>203038].\n\nAh... However, it looks like you don't have enough [<s>203038] on you...\n\nNever mind! You just need to go on a few more missions to earn the [<s>203038] you need! You can do it! I'll wait here for your return!
SC_113013_5Huh? You want to cheat me? You can't fool me!
Sys113013_nameNoab Lucerne
Sys113013_name_pluralNoab Lucernes
Sys113013_szquestnpctextBelieve me, time is more precious than gold!
Sys113013_titlenamePhirius Workshops