result count: 16

SC_113029Am I worthy of this kind of weapon?
SC_113029_0>>[204897|Craftsman Pledge - Premium]<<\nMay be obtained from [113100|John Yorick] in the Haidon Artisan Society, [113098|Mysterious Old Will] in the Ystra Labyrinth and [113099|Grey Robles] at the [ZONE_SERGARTH POINT|Sergarth Outpost].\n\n>>Class-Specific Weapon Core<<\nThere is a very slim chance that one may be dropped by [100237|Regin] at the [ZONE_DGN_KLEEON_TEMPLE|Kalin Shrine], [101535|Snow Blake] in the [ZONE_DGN_THE_TREASURE_TROVE|Treasure Trove], and [101352|Uguda] at the [ZONE_TILEDGN_CITADEL_AGRIZA|Cyclops Lair].\nIf you want to change the class of the weapon core, please go to [113319|Core Conversion Guard] near [ZONE_TAGRANAAR|Tagena] to ask for assistance.\n\n>>Class-Specific Weapon Fragments/Hilt Fragments/Amplifier Fragments<<\nMay be dropped by Myrmex soldiers in the [ZONE_DUSTBLOOM CANYON|Dust Devil Canyon] and Shadowmoon Pirates in [ZONE_RAVENFELL|Ravenfell].\n\n>>[204896|Secret Card Deck]<<\n[113030|Jash Suffernus] in the Haidon Artisan Society, you can convert certain special cards into [<S>204896|Secret Card Decks].
SC_113029_1We already know how to make epic weapons that wield mysterious powers from the ancient texts, having overcome many of the difficulties associated with their manufacture. Unfortunately, due to a scarcity of necessary materials and the amount of energy required for smelting and forging, we can't make epic weapons for the first adventurer who just happens to walk by.\n\nFirst, I have to confirm that you possess the requisite intelligence and ability to control this kind of weapon. The best way to do this is for you to <CS>Study Lvl 50 Elite Class Skills</CS> and then come back so that I can verify them. Once you have fully comprehended the essence of your class and are able to deploy elite skills in every battle with ease, we at the Haidon artisan society will gladly make you an epic level weapon in keeping with your standing and ability. \n\nGo then! After you <CS>Study Lvl 50 Elite Class Skills</CS> come back and I will tell you the materials needed to make an epic weapon and how to go about obtaining them.
SC_113029_10Please give me another [205066|Material Source Scroll].
SC_113029_2Want to know how to get your hands on a [204897|Craftsman Pledge - Premium]?
SC_113029_3Want to know how to get your hands on a weapon core?
SC_113029_4Want to know how to get your hands on a weapon fragment, a hilt fragment, or an amplifier fragment?
SC_113029_5Want to know how to get your hands on a [204896|Secret Card Deck]?
SC_113029_6The Haidon Artisan Society didn't just come to Candara to make epic level weapons for heroes, but to meet with the most skilled craftsmen in the world, and, by making extraordinary weapons, raise pride in our profession. \n\nIf you can help out other craftsmen, win their approval and return with letters of appreciation ([204897|Craftsman Pledge - Premium]), you will earn our gratitude. We'll then do our best to make you an epic weapon in return.\n\nYou may find [113098|Mysterious Old Will] in the Ystra Labyrinth. Once you've helped him with his work, ask him to give you a [204897|Craftsman Pledge - Premium].\n\nYou may also go to [ZONE_SERGARTH POINT|Sergarth Outpost] to help [113099|Grey Robles] regain his confidence as a craftsman. Don't forget to ask him to give you a [204897|Craftsman Pledge - Premium].\n\nOr, you can get a [204897|Craftsman Pledge - Premium] from that eternal friend to craftsmen, the Phirius Workshops. In fact, a Phirius Workshops representative, [113100|John Yorick], is in this camp as we speak...but I can't say whether or not they will make unreasonable demands of you.
SC_113029_7In ancient times a mysterious master smith called Moa roamed the world looking for special rune powers, which he forged into weapon cores.\n\nNobody knows how Moa stored rune powers inside the weapon cores, but any weapon made from Moa's weapon cores possesses earthshaking power. As a result, these weapon cores are highly coveted treasures.\n\nFollowing Moa's mysterious disappearance, the weapon cores became separated. Research suggests that they fell into the hands of [100237|Regin] at the [ZONE_DGN_KLEEON_TEMPLE|Kalin Shrine], [101535|Snow Blake] at [ZONE_DGN_THE_TREASURE_TROVE|Treasure Trove] and [101352|Uguda] in the [ZONE_TILEDGN_CITADEL_AGRIZA|Cyclops Lair]. Perhaps you can try to get a weapon core from one of them.
SC_113029_8In the Myrmex Hive in [ZONE_DUSTBLOOM CANYON|Dust Devil Canyon] there's a force which makes Myrmex soldiers secrete a kind of substance that forms fragments, which can effectively preserve the power of weapon cores. Following extensive study we, at the Haidon artisan society, have worked out how to turn these fragments into weapons.\n\nFragments have also been discovered on Shadowmoon Pirates in [ZONE_RAVENFELL|Ravenfell].
SC_113029_9[113030|Jash Suffernus] is a great evoker who traveled to Candara with the Haidon artisan society. You may ask him to make a [204896|Secret Card Deck]. He's right here in our camp.
Sys113029_nameKaboo Towser
Sys113029_name_pluralKaboo Towser
Sys113029_szquestnpctextWelcome! Welcome...\n\nAre you here for the epic level weapons, [$PLAYERNAME]?\n\nIn evil times such as these, the rediscovery of ancient techniques for the manufacture of legendary weapons is heartening news indeed!\n\nThe Haidon artisan society has assembled the most knowledgeable artisans and traveled from remote Kolydia to Candara to reinvent epic weapons of old, so that the worthiest heroes might have the power to defeat evil.
Sys113029_titlenameMaster Craftsman