result count: 10

SC_113292_01I like monster cards! I'm collecting monster cards now!\nAnd if I see that there is a question mark in my monster compendium, I really, really can't stand it!!!
SC_113292_02I have a [$VAR1] that I want to trade for a [205642|Mysterious Nameless Card].
SC_113292_03[$VAR1]! I don't have that card! Please take your [205642|Mysterious Nameless Card].\n\nHehe! Another new card for my collection.
SC_113292_04Umm... If you simply forgot the card name, I can forgive you.\n\nOtherwise, please don't trick me into getting excited. You don't have a [$VAR1] at all!
SC_113292_05Tsk tsk... I was short on [$VAR1] to begin with!
SC_113292_06I want to use a [205642|Mysterious Nameless Card] to store energy.
Sys113292_nameKad Otak
Sys113292_name_pluralKad Otaks
Sys113292_szquestnpctextI like monster cards! I'm collecting monster cards now!\nAnd if I see that there is a question mark in my Monster Compendium, I really, really can't stand it!!!\n\nIt seems you're collecting the [204896|Secret Card Deck]. If you have monster cards that I don't, I'll trade you a [205642|Mysterious Nameless Card] that can store energy in [<S>204896|Secret Card Decks] for them!
Sys113292_titlenameMonster Compendium Fanatic