result count: 16

SC_113319Please help me change the weapon core's class.
SC_113319_1I have detected that the weapon core has been converted. It is now in a weakened state.\n\nIt cannot be converted again, or the weapon core will be in danger of being destroyed. Please wait for the weak status to expire before converting it again.
SC_113319_10The risk of damage through conversion is not predictable...
SC_113319_11I've considered it, please convert [206692|Moa's Loyalty Core]!
SC_113319_12I've considered it, please convert [206693|Moa's Balance Core]!
SC_113319_2Are you sure you want to convert the weapon core?\n\nIt cannot be guaranteed which class the weapon core will be converted into. Plus, the conversion may fail and, it may result in unpredictable damage due to energy leakage resulting from the conversion.\n\nBe careful! Regardless of whether or not the conversion is successful, the weapon core will be in a weakened state, and it will not be possible to convert it again for a while!
SC_113319_3I've considered it, please convert [204900|Moa's Core of Courage]!
SC_113319_4I've considered it, please convert [204901|Moa's Core of Talent]!
SC_113319_5I've considered it, please convert [204902|Moa's Core of Stealth]!
SC_113319_6I've considered it, please convert [204903|Moa's Core of Art]!
SC_113319_7I've considered it, please convert [204904|Moa's Core of Pity]!
SC_113319_8I've considered it, please convert [204905|Moa's Core of Fortitude]!
SC_113319_9I'm ready! Start the core conversion process!
Sys113319_nameCore Conversion Guard
Sys113319_name_pluralCore Conversion Guards
Sys113319_szquestnpctextHe's in charge of converting weapon cores.\n\nAttention! Doing this may cause the user to be unpredictably harmed. Additionally, the kind of conversion the weapon core will undergo cannot be predicted.