result count: 5

ST_113388_0The wisdom passed on by the Holy King lets us understand and get close to the power of nature. This mighty power arises from the life and the earth, and lets this world breath and live. \n\nThis power can be used to help our people. It is the duty of us [SYS_CLASSNAME_DRUID|Druids] to use magic to wake up the inherent power of nature in our bodies for creating miracles. These miracles will bring salvation for our beloved ones and damnation for our enemies.\n\nOnly our people can become Druids and therefore we have to shoulder the responsibility for the power of nature ensuring it will live on and breath.
Sys113388_szquestnpctextMay the power of nature never stop breathing! I am [113388|Elomediyah], a worshiper of the deep forest.
Sys113388_titlenameDruid Instructor