result count: 11

SC_113596_00Ancient Technology Recipe
SC_113596_00_1It has always been one of the Phirius Workshops' missions to make ancient technology usable and relevant in the present in the hope that adventurers can use it to become more powerful.\nPerhaps you will think that this technology is priceless, but don't worry, with just a "small contribution" the Phirius Workshops will selflessly give you this technology.
SC_113596_01Cloth Formula
SC_113596_02Leather Armor Formula
SC_113596_03Chainmail Armor Formula
SC_113596_04Plate Armor Formula
SC_113596_1A long time ago the Phirius Workshops happened to obtain some ancient scriptures. The knowledge recorded in the scriptures greatly exceeded our expectations.\nThe Phirius Workshops spent a long time deciphering and researching the text and can now finally use this ancient technology.
Sys113596_nameKants Maymof
Sys113596_name_pluralKants Maymof
Sys113596_szquestnpctextIn order to help more adventurers have access to more powerful equipment, the Phirius Workshops has agreed to sell the technology that we've developed through reading the scriptures for a "small contribution."
Sys113596_titlenamePhirius Workshops