result count: 4
keystring | pl | eneu |
Sys113754_name | Florent | Florent |
Sys113754_name_plural | Florent | Florent |
Sys113754_szquestnpctext | Słyszałeś o wydarzeniu towarzyszącym Jesiennemu Bankietowi w [ZONE_LATIFF_KINGDOM|Króletswie Lechif]? Może dołączysz do zabawy? | Hey, adventurer, have you heard about this?\n\nThere's an event celebrating the Autumn Banquet going on in the [ZONE_LATIFF_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Lechif]! Want to have some fun with us? |
Sys113754_titlename | Warsztaty Phiriusa | Phirius Workshops |