result count: 8

SC_114293_0Sentís un poder mágico dentro del cristal.You feel some magic power constrained within the crystal.
SC_114293_1Id al [ZONE_INNER_FOYER|Vestíbulo del centro de la ciudad]Go to the [ZONE_INNER_FOYER|Inner City Foyer]
SC_114293_2Id a la [ZONE_FAMILIAR_LASHING_CHAMBER|Cámara de la flagelación familiar]Go to the [ZONE_FAMILIAR_LASHING_CHAMBER|Familiar Lashing Chamber]
SC_114293_3Id a la [ZONE_CHAMBER_OF_RESURRECTION|Cámara de Resurrección]Go to the [ZONE_CHAMBER_OF_RESURRECTION|Chamber of Resurrection]
SC_114293_4Id a la [ZONE_DEMON_INCUBATION_CHAMBER|Cámara de incubación demoníaca]Go to the [ZONE_DEMON_INCUBATION_CHAMBER|Demon Incubation Chamber]
SC_114293_5Id al [ZONE_GASP_OF_THE_REMNANT|Grito del superviviente]Go to the [ZONE_GASP_OF_THE_REMNANT|Survivor's Gasp]
SC_114293_6Id al [ZONE_THRONE_OF_FEAR|Trono del Príncipe Demonio]Go to the [ZONE_THRONE_OF_FEAR|Throne of the Demon Lord]
SC_114293_DIALOGSegún os acercáis al cristal, emergen imágenes diversas en vuestra mente. Os sentís como si pudieseis usar el cristal para transportaros a otros lugares.As you near the crystal, many different images emerge in your mind. You feel as if you can use this crystal to transport to other places.