result count: 3

Sys114429_nameZielarz BillHerb Bill
Sys114429_name_pluralZielarz BilleHerb Bill
Sys114429_szquestnpctextNie mogę zasnąć bez pomocy alkoholu, bo jak tylko zamknę oczy, widzę dzień w którym wróciłem do [ZONE_HERBALIST_CAMP|Obozu Zielarzy], jakby to było wczoraj. [114876|Zhud] musiał czekać na nas z zapartym tchem, ale było już za późno.I can only get to sleep at night after drinking some liquor, because as soon as I close my eyes I will see that day that I returned to the [ZONE_HERBALIST_CAMP|Herbalist Camp] as clearly as the day it happened. [114876|Zhud] had to hold his breath waiting for us to return, but it was too late.