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SC_114952_0Ask about the location of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_WASTE_DISTRICT|Abandoned District of Dalanis].
SC_114952_1Ask about the location of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District].
SC_114952_1_ANS_1Go straight ahead through the big gate and you're there. That place has become dangerous lately, and if you're not careful you could become a target for bandits.\n\nBut it shouldn't be a problem for an experienced adventurer like yourself.
SC_114952_1_ANS_2We are in the center of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_WASTE_DISTRICT|Abandoned District of Dalanis]. It extends to the east and west.\n\nLooking at this run-down place every day...sigh...will it ever be restored to its former glory...
SC_114952_1_ANS_3We are at the west end of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_WASTE_DISTRICT|Abandoned District of Dalanis]. Compared to the other areas, it's relatively safe here.
SC_114952_1_ANS_4The [ZONE_DAELANIS_WASTE_DISTRICT|Abandoned District of Dalanis]? We're at the east end of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_WASTE_DISTRICT|Abandoned District of Dalanis] right now!\n\nThis is the least peaceful place. Look around and you'll see.
SC_114952_10Ask about the location of the Auction House.
SC_114952_11Ask about the location of the House Maid.
SC_114952_12Ask about the location of the Guild Castle Manager.
SC_114952_13Ask about the location of the bank.
SC_114952_14Ask about the location of various shops and crafting tools.
SC_114952_15Ask about the location of the mailbox.
SC_114952_16Ask about the location of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_PALACE|Dalanis Grand Palace].
SC_114952_17The Obsidian Stronghold envoy is in the embassy on the west side of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_OLD_TOWN|Dalanis Old City District]. They can help adventurers travel to and from [ZONE_YGGNO LAND|Candara]. You can go there to ask.
SC_114952_18The [114829|Dragonslayer Pub]? It's in the southern part of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District] market. You'll see the mailbox and the Auction House Clerk at the door.
SC_114952_19The [114830|Night Bar]? Follow the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District] street east, all the way to the end, and it's there.
SC_114952_2Ask about the location of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_OLD_TOWN|Dalanis Old City District].
SC_114952_2_ANS_1The plaza in front of me is the east edge of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District]. If you go west you'll see the market. That's our commercial center.
SC_114952_2_ANS_2The [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District] is just through the gate behind me. After going through the gate, remember to head west. That's the [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District] market.\n\nIf you go east you'll be in the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District].
SC_114952_2_ANS_3The gate behind me leads to the west edge of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District]. Go east and you'll be in the market.
SC_114952_2_ANS_4To get to the [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District], go through the gate behind me and follow the road west until you're out of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District]. That plaza is the west edge of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District].
SC_114952_20The Auction House people are stationed at the [114829|Dragonslayer Pub]. You can see them standing there at the south end of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District] market.
SC_114952_21House Maid? Oh! I remember she was with the envoy from the Obsidian Stronghold. They're all at the embassy in the west of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_OLD_TOWN|Dalanis Old City District].
SC_114952_22House Maid? Oh! I remember she was with the envoy from the Obsidian Stronghold. They're all at the embassy west of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_OLD_TOWN|Dalanis Old City District].
SC_114952_23Bank? Go through the entrance to the [ZONE_DAELANIS_OLD_TOWN|Dalanis Old City District] and look west, and you'll see it.
SC_114952_24The stable, the potion merchant, and the blacksmith, they are all near the plaza where the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District] meets the [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District]. You can find the other shops in the [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District] market. As for crafting tools, you can ask to borrow them from the shops.
SC_114952_25There are mailboxes in front of the [114829|Dragonslayer Pub] south of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District] market, at the Lionheart Knights outpost on the north side of the plaza where the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District] meets the [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District], and in front of the bank in the [ZONE_DAELANIS_OLD_TOWN|Dalanis Old City District].
SC_114952_26The [ZONE_DAELANIS_PALACE|Dalanis Grand Palace] is in the north of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_OLD_TOWN|Dalanis Old City District], but to get there you must take the stairs on the east side of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_OLD_TOWN|Dalanis Old City District].
SC_114952_3Ask about the location of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District].
SC_114952_3_ANS_1It's just through the gate behind me.

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