result count: 8

SC_NPC_115017_OPTION_01Chcę iść stąd.I want to get out of here.
SC_NPC_115017_OPTION_02Chcę grać dalej.I want to keep playing.
SC_NPC_115017_TALKI co? Podoba ci się? Jeśli będziesz miał dość, przyjdź do mnie. Zorganizuję ci transport do domu.And? Are you having fun? If you don't want to play any more, come and talk to me and I'll get your return transport ready.
SC_NPC_115017_TALK_1Jazda! Ale będzie frajda!Well then! Get stuck into the fun!
SC_NPC_115017_TALK_2Na ten raz wystarczy zabawy! Zorganizuję ci transport powrotny.Well, the fun's over for now! I'll get your return transport ready.
Sys115017_namePaige PiernikPaige Gingerbread
Sys115017_name_pluralPaigi PiernikiPaige Gingerbreads
Sys115017_titlenameSpikerka Wielkiej Bitwy na ŚnieżkiGreat Snowball Fight Announcer