result count: 17

SC_115022_0Cause trouble?
SC_115022_1Yes, my hot-tempered son has always loved to fight. He was always fighting with the other children, and I was busy apologizing to their parents. I remember one time Weily talked back and I slapped him, and he was mad at me for a week. Then, you know what? I saw them on the street and they'd already made up. I realized my son wasn't bad, but he just had a temper. I hope he can restrain himself with the knights.\n\n([115022|Betty Ilun] smiles slightly)
SC_115022_10It's really worrying...
SC_115022_11Please, Sir Knight...
SC_115022_12Betty, can you come help?
SC_115022_13It looks like I have something to take care of, so I won't show you out...
SC_115022_2Tell her about [115029|Weily Loith's] recent situation
SC_115022_3([115022|Betty Ilun] stifles a laugh)\n\nSo, it seems he still hasn't given up his bad habits. He didn't talk much before. He'd just beat someone up without a word. From Master Knight's description, it sounds like Weily's already improved a lot.\n\nI'm conflicted. On one hand, I'm so happy that my son could serve in the Lionheart Knights and make life better for people here, but I'm also worried about the danger he'll encounter.\n\nI hope Sir Knight can understand a mother's worry, and allow me some time to talk with him.
SC_115022_4About this letter...
SC_115022_5Yes. The letter still hasn't been delivered to my son? Is [115029|Weily Loith] not in [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] City? He should be there.\n\nI hope Sir Knight can help look again...
SC_115022_6Sorry for taking up so much of your time
SC_115022_7Thank you, Sir Knight, for your help
SC_115022_8Oh...I'm sorry...
SC_115022_9I wonder how [115029|Weily Loith] is doing lately...
Sys115022_nameBetty Ilun
Sys115022_name_pluralBetty Ilun
Sys115022_szquestnpctextIs this Sir Knight? How are things recently?\n\nKnight training is difficult. I don't know how that son of mine is doing, but I hope he doesn't cause trouble in the knights.