result count: 4

Sys115150_nameHettie GiantHettie Giant
Sys115150_name_pluralHettie GiantHettie Giant
Sys115150_szquestnpctextComme l'indique le [115303|Calendrier de Milles Plumes]... Les étoiles symbolisant la crise se rapprochent... La [ZONE_SOUTH_JENOTAR_FOREST|Forêt méridionale de Janost] pourra-t-elle conserver sa paix et sa tranquillité ?As the [115303|Thousand Feathers' Calendar] instructs... Stars that symbolize crisis draw close... Will the whole of the [ZONE_SOUTH_JENOTAR_FOREST|Southern Janost Forest] be able to maintain its peace and tranquility?
Sys115150_titlenameDame de ShadorLady of Shador