result count: 3

Sys115541_nameMofila von JuraMofila von Jura
Sys115541_name_pluralMofila von JuraMofila von Jura
Sys115541_szquestnpctextTodos los indicios apuntan hacia la [ZONE_DGN_VENADURKEN_ARENA|Arena de Warnorken]. Mantendré mi promesa. Si no puedo resolver este asunto yo mismo, no me opondré a que la corte de [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] intervenga.All the clues point towards the [ZONE_DGN_VENADURKEN_ARENA|Warnorken Arena]. I will keep my promise. If I cannot resolve this matter myself, then I won't oppose intervention from the [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] court anymore.