result count: 3

Sys115744_nameL'amère FuderShirly Fuder
Sys115744_name_pluralL'amère FuderShirly Fuder
Sys115744_szquestnpctextQuand la nourriture est abondante, je refuse de cuisiner du gibier, surtout cette chair de dentranchante. Ça a bon goût, mais on dirait de la semelle ! Résultat : il faut la laisser mijoter pendant des heures pour l'attendrir... D'un autre côté, quand je vois mon mari se régaler, je me dis que le jeu en vaut la chandelle.If there's enough food, I really don't want to cook game, especially that Sharpteeth Meat. Although it tastes alright if the meat is old and hard, each time I have to leave it to stew for hours until it becomes soft enough... But look at my husband really enjoying his food, it makes the hard work all worthwhile.