result count: 7

ST_115956_0Persevere, and you'll be able to craft armor worthy of the gods!
ST_115956_1The perseverance I speak of requires single-minded focus. Your heart cannot divided by the love of other arts! Only once you commit completely to expert level armorcrafting can I begin to teach you.
ST_115956_2You have also persevered in your studies of this path, but now, we have both reached the path's end. No matter how much more effort we devote to our art, there is no further progress to be made.
Sys115956_nameRicks Armor
Sys115956_name_pluralRicks Armor
Sys115956_szquestnpctextPersevere, and you'll be able to craft armor worthy of the gods!\n\n(|cff007f00Master|r The upper limit of your armorcrafting skill will be increased to 80, [SC_CRAFT_MAKELEVEL_03|You can have maximal |cffff00001|r |cff007f00Master tier|r |cff0000ffproduction skill|r].)
Sys115956_titlenameMaster Armorcrafting Instructor