result count: 7

ST_115960_0Losing yourself in books on mining and minerals is one of the enjoyable things in the world.
ST_115960_1To see someone not fully committed to the study of mining is the saddest thing that I know!
ST_115960_2You are also someone who knows the joys of minerals and mining. So you should also know that this is the limit of my knowledge. I hope my research will one day bear fruit, but who knows when that day will come?
Sys115960_nameLarissa Pewter
Sys115960_name_pluralLarissa Pewter
Sys115960_szquestnpctextLosing yourself in books on mining and minerals is one of the enjoyable things in the world.\n\n(|cff007f00Master|r The upper limit of your mining skill will be increased to 80, [SC_CRAFT_COLLECTLEVEL_03|You can have maximal |cffff00001|r |cff007f00Master tier|r |cff0000ffgathering skill|r].)
Sys115960_titlenameMaster Mining Instructor