result count: 7

ST_115961_0Look closely and you'll see that every type of wood has its own unique grain and properties. It is vital for a woodcutter to be careful and ensure that all these little features don't become damaged.
ST_115961_1If you don't carefully attend to the path of the woodcutter, how will you recognize the special grain and characteristics of each type of wood?
ST_115961_2You have already amassed a good amount of knowledge concerning the grain and characteristics of different kinds of wood. Though I wish that I could continue, I fear there is little else I can teach you.
Sys115961_nameIgor Woods
Sys115961_name_pluralIgor Woods
Sys115961_szquestnpctextLook closely and you'll see that every type of wood has its own unique grain and properties. It is vital for a woodcutter to be careful and ensure that all these little features don't become damaged.\n\n(|cff007f00 Master|r The upper limit of your woodcutting skill will be increased to 80, [SC_CRAFT_COLLECTLEVEL_03|You can have maximal |cffff00001|r |cff007f00Master tier|r |cff0000ffgathering skill|r].)
Sys115961_titlenameMaster Woodcutting Instructor