result count: 3

Sys116204_szquestnpctextAunque hemos visto muchos peligros y dificultades estos últimos días, agradezco que vos y [115596|Iswan] hayáis estado a mi lado.\n\nEn este viaje me he llevado muchas sorpresas, pero también me han servido como valiosas lecciones.\n\n¿Estaréis siempre a mi lado para ayudarme igual que [115785|Lance] y [115596|Iswan]?Although we have seen more than our share of danger and difficulty these last few days, I am nonetheless grateful that you and [115596|Iswan] have been at my side.\n\nThis journey has brought me a number of shocks, but these have also served as valuable lessons.\n\nWill you always be with me to assist me, as [115785|Lance] and [115596|Iswan] have?