result count: 3

Sys116263_szquestnpctext[116218|Skarbar] ya está sospechando de nuestras acciones. No voy a poder tener más contacto con vos. Si tenéis más noticias, poneos en contacto con [115596|Iswan].\n\nElla os esperará junto al estanque del [ZONE_LYMUN_KINGDOM|Reino de Limon], donde no llamaréis la atención.[116218|Skarbar] has already become suspicious of our actions. I won't be able to have any more contact with you. If you have any further news, please get in touch with [115596|Iswan].\n\nShe will be waiting for you by the pool in the [ZONE_LYMUN_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Limon], where you are unlikely to be noticed.