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SC_116269_0¿Habéis extraviado la carta con las instrucciones? No os preocupéis, puedo escribir otra. Guardadla bien.You've misplaced the letter containing the instructions? Don't worry about it. I can write you another one. Keep it well.
SC_116269_1He perdido la carta con las instrucciones.I've lost the letter containing the instructions.
SC_116269_K_STORY_1Parecéis ser una persona importante.You appear to be someone of high status.
SC_116269_K_STORY_10Sí... [115785|Lance] tiene un gran sentido de la responsabilidad, por lo que está sometido a mucho estrés. Por suerte, pudo delegar algunas de sus responsabilidades hace muchos años, cuando la segunda princesa de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], [115595|Iswan Giant], se unió a los Caballeros Corazón de León para ser su ayudante.Yes...[115785|Lance] has a strong sense of responsibility, but because of this, he puts himself under a great deal of stress. Fortunately, many years ago, when the second princess of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], [115595|Iswan Giant], joined the Lionheart Knights and became his assistant, he was finally able to delegate some of his responsibilities.
SC_116269_K_STORY_11¿Qué clase de persona es [115595|Iswan Giant]?What sort of person is [115595|Iswan Giant]?
SC_116269_K_STORY_12Hay otras cosas que quiero entender.There are other things I wish to understand.
SC_116269_K_STORY_13Aunque [115596|Iswan] pertenece a la familia real de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], abandonó [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] para dejar que sus dos hermanas gobernasen. Llegó a Dalanis y se unió a los Caballeros Corazón de León para expresar la lealtad de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] hacia Su Majestad.\n\n[115596|Iswan] ha asumido la responsabilidad de proteger a Su Majestad y su reputación entre el pueblo.\n\nAunque suele ser demasiado severa, en el fondo sigue siendo una joven de buen corazón. Lo descubrí cuando vi su expresión al mirar a [115785|Lance]. Entonces entendí que sigue añorando el amor.Although [115596|Iswan] is from the royal family of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], she left [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] to her two sisters to govern. She came to Dalanis and joined the Lionheart Knights to express the loyalty of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] for His Highness.\n\n[115596|Iswan] has assumed the heavy responsibility of protecting His Majesty and also His Majesty's reputation with the people.\n\nThough she is often quite severe, on the inside she remains a tender-hearted girl. I discovered this when I once noticed her expression as she gazed upon [115785|Lance]. It was clear to me that she still longs for love.
SC_116269_K_STORY_14¿Qué estáis diciendo? ¿Está enamorada del General?What do you mean? She's in love with the General?
SC_116269_K_STORY_15Ese es el secreto de [115596|Iswan], que ella cree oculto para quienes la rodean. Solo cuando mira a [115785|Lance] se dulcifica su dura expresión.\n\nLo lamento, pero creo que es mejor que no hablemos sobre ese tema.This is [115596|Iswan's] secret, which she believes is still hidden from those around her. It is only when she looks at [115785|Lance] that her normally hard expression softens.\n\nI'm sorry, but perhaps this is something that we best not discuss.
SC_116269_K_STORY_16Me alegra que hayamos podido hablar, pero ahora debo irme.I am very happy that we could talk, but I must go now.
SC_116269_K_STORY_17¿Qué clase de persona es Su Majestad?What kind of person is His Majesty?
SC_116269_K_STORY_18Aunque Su Majestad recibió una esmerada educación en la corte, sigue comparándose con [115785|Lance] y cree que no está a la altura. Tal vez [115785|Lance] sea una persona con demasiado talento. En cualquier caso, Su Majestad no se siente cómodo viviendo a su sombra y quiere hacer algo grande.\n\nEstá ansioso por crecer, ansioso por tener la aprobación de [115785|Lance] y por demostrar que es un digno sucesor de sus ancestros, los reyes de la antigüedad y [114396|Thanteos Kalume].Though His Majesty received a fine royal education, he still compares himself to [115785|Lance], and finds himself coming up short. Perhaps [115785|Lance] is simply far too talented an individual. In any case, His Majesty is uncomfortable living in his shadow, and wants to achieve something great.\n\nHe's impatient to grow up, impatient for [115785|Lance's] approval, and impatient to prove himself equal to his illustrious ancestors, those kings of old, and [114396|Thanteos Kalume].
SC_116269_K_STORY_19Entonces, ¿cómo es la relación de Su Majestad con el General? ¿Buena o mala?Which is it then? Is His Majesty's relationship with the General good or bad?
SC_116269_K_STORY_2Soy consejero de Su Majestad [114369|Callaway Kalume] y del [114367|General Lance]. Yo guío sus acciones y les enseño la ciencia del gobierno. Además, debo hacer que desarrollen un carácter adecuado al liderazgo.I am an advisor to His Majesty [114369|Callaway Kalume] and the [114367|General Lance]. I guide their actions, and teach them the knowledge of governance. More than that, I must develop their characters and make them fit to lead.
SC_116269_K_STORY_20No puedo hablar de eso con vos. Todo lo que puedo contaros es que todos los ancestros de [115785|Lance] se criaron en la corte... Su familia no es de sangre real pero para la familia real de [116413|Kalume], son parientes.\n\nEl padre de [115785|Lance] sirvió al anterior rey como [115785|Lance] sirve hoy a Su Majestad.\n\n[115785|Lance] espera que llegue el día en que Su Majestad tenga las capacidades y los conocimientos necesarios para asumir sus graves responsabilidades. También espera poder ayudar a Su Majestad a construir un futuro mejor para todos.I cannot discuss these matters with you. All I can tell you is that [115785|Lance's] ancestors were all raised in the royal court. His family may not be of royal blood, but as far as the royal family of [116413|Kalume] is concerned, they are kin.\n\n[115785|Lance's] father served the previous king, just as [115785|Lance] now serves His Majesty.\n\n[115785|Lance] longs for the day His Majesty will have sufficient ability and knowledge to take up his grave responsibilities. He also hopes that he can assist His Majesty to build a brighter future for us all.
SC_116269_K_STORY_21¿Ha tenido malos momentos la casa real de [116413|Kalume]?Has the royal house of [116413|Kalume] fallen on hard times?
SC_116269_K_STORY_22Sin ninguna duda. Por mucho que nos preocupe, así es. Su Majestad es todo lo que queda de la familia real. Cuando el rey [114631|Motwas Kalume] enfermó y murió, Su Majestad se vio obligado a asumir el trono a pesar de su tierna edad.\n\nDebido a la caída de la familia real y a la juventud de Su Majestad, los señores feudales están empezando a inquietarse.\n\nNo tenemos que preocuparnos por los menos importantes, pero no podemos permitirnos perder el apoyo de los Seis Principados.Yes, indeed. As distressing as it may be, it is the fact of the matter. His Majesty is all that remains of the royal family. When the former king [114631|Motwas Kalume] fell ill and died, His Majesty was forced to take the throne, despite his tender age.\n\nWith the decline of the royal family, and His Majesty as yet so young, many of the regional lords are growing restless.\n\nWe need not worry about the lesser ones, but we cannot afford to lose the support of the Six Principalities.
SC_116269_K_STORY_23¿Cuál es la importancia de los Seis Principados?How important are the Six Principalities?
SC_116269_K_STORY_24¿Cuál es la importancia de los Seis Principados?How important are the Six Principalities?
SC_116269_K_STORY_25¡Son de suma importancia! Todos los feudos son importantes, pero los Seis Principados tienen un papel especial. Si Su Majestad pierde el apoyo de los Seis Principados, me temo que será el final de la casa real de [116413|Kalume].\n\nLos anteriores señores de los Seis Principados estuvieron al lado del antiguo rey y lo ayudaron a acabar con los demonios. Juntos unieron a los habitantes del continente. Si la siguiente generación de señores no apoya a Su Majestad, nadie lo hará.They are of the utmost importance! Every one of the fiefdoms is important, but the Six Principalities have a special role to play. If His Majesty loses the support of the Six Principalities, then I am afraid it is truly the end of the royal house of [116413|Kalume].\n\nEach of the original lords of the Six Principalities stood by the side of the former king, and helped him to vanquish the Demons. Together, they united the people of the continent. If the next generation of lords do not back His Majesty, then no one will.
SC_116269_K_STORY_26El principado de [ZONE_AYON|Aren], fundado por [116411|Letin "Escudo Impenetrable" Mocliff]; el principado de [116384|Lechif], fundado por [116382|Shint "Rey de la Noche" Kanches]; el principado de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], fundado por [116412|Jenny "Mil Plumas" Giant]; el principado de [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren] fundado por [116408|"La enloquecida" Lekani] del Pueblo Leonino; el principado de [116409|Kalon] fundado por [116383|Heurton, "Príncipe de la Tristeza"] del Pueblo Rino; y el principado del [ZONE_LYMUN_KINGDOM|Reino de Limon] fundado por [116410|Kawak "Dientes de Hierro" Colmillorrabioso] del Pueblo Canino.\n\nComo [116382|Shint "Rey de la Noche" Kanches] y [116338|Kawak Colmillorrabioso] murieron con honor en el campo de batalla durante el Gran Destierro, sus pueblos recibieron el gobierno de sus respectivos principados.The principality of [ZONE_AYON|Aren], founded by [116411|Letin "The Unrivaled Shield" Mocliff]; the principality of [116384|Lechif] founded by [116382|Shint "King of the Night" Kanches]; the principality of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], founded by [116412|Jenny "Thousand Feathers" Giant]; the principality of [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren] founded by [116408|"The Berserker" Lekani] of the Leonine People; the principality of [116409|Kalon] founded by [116383|Heurton "Prince of Sadness"] of the Rhino People; and principality of the [ZONE_LYMUN_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Limon] founded by [116410|Kawak "Iron Teeth" Angerfang] of the Canine People.\n\nBecause [116382|Shint "King of the Night" Kanches] and [116338|Kawak Angerfang] both died honorable deaths on the battlefield during the Great Banishment, their principalities were entrusted to their respective peoples to govern.
SC_116269_K_STORY_3Ha sido un placer conoceros, pero debo irme.It has been a pleasure to meet you, but, unfortunately, I must go.
SC_116269_K_STORY_4Oyéndoos hablar, me impresiona vuestra gran sabiduría.Hearing you speak, I find myself impressed with your deep wisdom.
SC_116269_K_STORY_5Son solo las lecciones que he aprendido de mis experiencias vitales.\n\nAunque nunca me he considerado el más sabio ni el más capaz de los hombres, he vivido más que la mayoría y he sido testigo de acontecimientos que otros no pueden ni imaginar. De esas experiencias he aprendido cómo funciona de la vida.These are simply the lessons I have gathered from my life experiences.\n\nAlthough I've never considered myself the most knowledgeable or capable of men, I have experienced more than most, and witnessed events that others cannot even imagine. It is these experiences that grant me insight into the workings of life.
SC_116269_K_STORY_6Sí, entiendo lo que decís. Debo continuar mis aventuras y experimentar más cosas en la vida para desarrollar una sabiduría de ese nivel.Yes, I see your point. I must continue my adventures, and experience more of this life, so that I too can develop this wisdom.
SC_116269_K_STORY_7¿Seríais tan amable de explicarme algunos asuntos?May I trouble you to clarify some questions for me?
SC_116269_K_STORY_8¡Por supuesto! Haré cuanto esté en mi mano para ayudaros.Of course. I will do all I can to advise you.
SC_116269_K_STORY_9¿Qué clase de persona es el Gran General?What kind of person is the Great General?
Sys116269_nameSafir ShaquapuhSafir Shaquapuh
Sys116269_name_pluralSafir ShaquapuhSafir Shaquapuh

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