result count: 4

Sys116282_nameBufeddo Ojo VagoBufeddo Rotteneye
Sys116282_name_pluralBufeddo Ojo VagoBufeddo Rotteneye
Sys116282_szquestnpctextQuedan pocos de nuestra raza, pero ahora estamos unidos y somos más cuidadosos que en el pasado. El problema es que, bajo el gobierno de [116218|Skarbar], no teníamos medios de vida legítimos.\n\nNuestra antigua "profesión", que ejercitábamos antes de embalar nuestras reliquias e irnos con el rey humano [114396|Thanteos Kalume], tenía como único fin nuestra supervivencia. Nunca quisimos ser estafadores ni timadores.There are few left of our race, but now we are united, and are more careful than we were in the past. Its just that under the rule of [116218|Skarbar], there was no way for us to live by legitimate means.\n\nOur previous "profession", that which we practiced before we packed up our relics and began following the Human king [114396|Thanteos Kalume], was just for the sake of survival. We never chose to be swindlers and cheats.
Sys116282_titlenamePerro que bloquea el caminoDog Blocking the Road