result count: 3

Sys116311_nameHabitante de Sal de Roca indigenteDestitute Rock Salt Villager
Sys116311_name_pluralHabitantes de Sal de Roca indigentesDestitute Rock Salt Villagers
Sys116311_szquestnpctext¡Es un desastre! El precio de la sal sigue subiendo. Vivimos en una aldea que produce sal y ni siquiera puedo permitírmela.\n\nLa familia [116221|Zarpafilada] ha comprado todas las rocas de sal y no la sacan al mercado. Están inflando los precios. ¡Cerdos sin cola!It's a disaster! Salt prices keep rising. Here we are in a village that makes salt, and I can't even afford the stuff!\n\nThe [116221|Sharpclaw] family has bought up all the salt rock and won't let it go. They're driving the prices up to the heavens. Bah! Those tail-less swine!